What Is The Function Of Electronic Weighing Machine

Digital scales work with the use of a strain gauge load cell. Whereas analog scales use springs to indicate the weight of an object, digital scales convert the force of a weight to an electric signal. Electronic Weighing Machine In Jogeshwari will provide components consist of a strain gauge, a device used to measure the strain of an object, and a load cell sensor, an electronic device used to convert a force into an electrical signal. A load cell is also known as a force transducer.

When an item is placed on the scale, the weight is first evenly distributed. Under the flat tray of a digital scale. The mechanical design of the digital scale then applies the force of the weight to one end of a load cell. As the weight is applied, that end of the load cell bends downwards. The force of weight then deforms the strain gauge.


The strain gauge can consist of metal tracks, or foil, bonded to a printed circuit board or another backing. When the metal foil is strained, the backing flexes or stretches. The strain gauge then converts the deformation to an electrical signal.

Because the load cell has an electric charge, as it moves downwards, the electrical resistance changes. The resulting small change in resistance becomes an electrical signal. The signal is run through an analog to digital converter and then passes through a microchip that "translates" the data. As a result of this final calculation, numbers indicating the weight of the object appear on the LCD display of the digital scale.

The main difference between an analog weighing machine and an Electronic Weighing Machine In Jogeshwari is that the analog weighing scale uses springs, needle and a metre to indicate the weight. On the other hand, a digital weighing machine uses a digital screen to show the readings. A digital weighing machine is more easy to use since it shows the exact weight in numbers rather than a needle which keeps moving constantly.

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